The British press – one of the noisiest, most opinionated and longest-running media institutions in the world – is known for its history of wide-ranging debate and reporting. Encompassing so many digital newspaper archives, the Gale Primary Sources programme offers a comprehensive view of the landscape of opinions and commentary which have featured in the British press at any one time. This makes it a great resource for those studying contemporary opinions about a particularly issue or controversy, or how attitudes have evolved over time. This is the first of two posts looking at how persuasion, debate and clashes of opinion have coloured the British press at particular historical moments; in this case, during the First World War. Next week I’ll be posting about the altercations that arose around the rise of Fascism. As well as some of the most well-known arguments, these posts will bring to the fore views which have now been side-lined, discredited or simply eclipsed by modern interpretations.
Before plunging into impassioned articles and heated exchanges, it’s interesting to provide a quick outline of the political positions held by the newspapers in Gale Primary Sources – though of course, these have sometimes changed over time.
It seems timely with the approach of Remembrance Sunday to consider contemporary press opinion towards what was to become one of the most momentous events of the twentieth century – the First World War. One point of contention debated in newspapers prior to WWI was whether or not Europe was actually heading for war. Many newspapers preached in the early years of the twentieth century that war with Germany was impossible or avoidable, but the Daily Mail was steadfast in its belief that a conflict between the great powers of Europe was inevitable. It subsequently prided itself on being the paper that foretold the war, and The Daily Mail Historical Archive clearly shows that for many months ‘the newspaper that persistently forewarned the public about the war’ was printed throughout the paper.
A more widespread denouncement and understanding of the failings of Douglas Haig, however, has come largely in the decades since the war, rather than being expressed in the contemporary press. In fact, we can see in The Telegraph Historical Archive that during the war, the paper championed – and acted as a mouthpiece for – Haig, printing numerous reports written by the General. For example, along with others such as The Times, they printed Haig’s correspondence with the French General following part of the Somme offensive, which made it out to have been a great success.
D. Haig, “Sir D. Haig’s Victory.” Times 30 Sept. 1916: 7, The Times Digital Archive
Post-event analysis, however, has been far less supportive of the General. Many have placed the responsibility for the horrific slaughter of the Somme squarely on the shoulders of Haig. Judgement on this controversial figure is far from settled, however; our archives show passionate and conflicting judgements continue to be expressed by a variety of cultural commentators to the present day.
“Commander Under Fire.” Times 2 May 1963: 15. The Times Digital ArchiveJohn Elliot, “In Fairness to Haig.” Daily Telegraph 25 Apr. 1963: 20. The Telegraph Historical ArchiveSeán Day-Lewis, “History, Haig and human sacrifice.” Daily Telegraph 4 July 1996: 29, The Telegraph Historical Archive“Haig: highs and lows.” Times 7 Aug. 2008: 26. The Times Digital ArchiveAndrew Wilson, “Has history misjudged the Butcher of the Somme?” Weekend. Daily Mail 21 Feb. 1998: 15. Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004
I’m currently a Marketing Executive in the Gale International Strategic Marketing team. I love the combination of creativity, strategic thinking and project management required in this busy role. Having studied History and English at Durham, it’s a great pleasure to work for a company producing historical archives and literary materials – meandering through Gale’s abundant resources never really feels like work! And to pad out this depiction of me, I can frequently be found running through the Hampshire countryside, and have a strong partiality for coffee cake.